
Author Spotlight

Gail Carson Levine (1947-)
Gail Carson Levine, an American author of fairytales for young readers and teenagers, was born in New York in 1947 to parents David and Sylvia. She started writing at a young age, but all her manuscripts were rejected until the Newberry Honor story "Ella Enchanted" was published in 1997. It is a retelling of the fairytale "Cinderella," and launched her fame as a writer of fairytales with a twist. In 1999 she published four books, the first of these being the historical novel "Dave at Night" and the other three being "The Fairy’s Mistake," "The Princess Test," and "Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep" (later collected into a volume called "The Princess Tales: Volume One").

Books by Gail Carson Levine

Book Fun Values Age
Cinderellis and the Glass Hill by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 11-12
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 8-10
Ever by Gail Carson Levine Great Fairly Clean 13+
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 11-12
Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 8-10
The Fairy's Mistake by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 8-10
The Fairy's Return by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 11-12
Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 11-12
The Princess Test by Gail Carson Levine Great Fairly Clean 8-10
A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 11-12
The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine Great Clean 11-12
the Wish by Gail Carson Levine Fair Take Care 8-10
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